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God has the best in mind for you! Jeremiah 29:11 states that the plans of God are good, and not evil. They are plans to prosper you and give you a future. There are generational blessings and promises that God desires you to possess. There is a life he desires you to live.

But what do you do when life looks nothing like what you thought God had in mind? Circumstances and difficulty have way of making it look like God has changed his mind and sometimes we are tempted to quit in the middle of the journey.

I want you to know that God has not changed his mind and it’s not the end of the journey. I Must Keep Moving is a book that will,

-Give you an understanding of perseverance and why it is a necessity to your journey

-Provide revolutionary principles of perseverance

-Stir your passion for purpose

-Fuel your pursuit of God and his promises

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